Keeping your Students, Faculty, and Staff safe and healthy during the Covid-19 pandemic is your number one priority.

CTI provides a Covid-19 Campus Safety Solution that tracks testing and reporting and provides the ability to trace and identify those who must quarantine, including insight into facilities access and healthcare provided to affected individuals.

Our solution supports a fully automated retesting process and readiness to return to campus, and we provide the ability to track the participation of all students, faculty, and staff in the COVID-19 health and safety training programs.

Our Covid-19 Campus Safety Solution offers you the ability to confidently:

  • Track and monitor testing frequency across constituents.
  • Track exposure notifications to campus health.
  • Monitor quarantine housing for infected and exposed individuals.
  • Manage campus access during quarantine periods.
  • Track location and access to facilities for quarantined individuals.
  • Monitor the safe return to campus-life of previously infected and exposed individuals.

We realize the sense of urgency in getting a safety solution in place.  We can usually deliver our Covid-19 Campus Safety Solution in 4-6 weeks.  Schedule a complimentary virtual consultation with one of our Higher Education experts today.

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